Introducing Remaping of the Self-Image through Proprioception and Aware Movement

First of all, it is important to emphasize that 90% of the work to recovery from MFD must be yours. The other 10% is completed by the guidance, the tips and exercises that you will find in this site which are the basics that will make you become your own MASTER possible, through a very personal process.

This concept of being Master and Student all together is not new for you. Basically, it is what you have been putting into practice during the learning of your own instrument, although this time it is not about learning something new but rather about recalling what you have already learned before suffering MFD.

This means having an open mind, determination and total dedication.

Some of the topics we will work on during your retraining are:

  1. Identifying the thoughts and emotions that trigger the symptoms.
  2. Emotional Cleansing.
  3. Recovering muscular-skeletal sensation.
  4. Working on the Biomechanics principles while playing the instrument and also without the instrument.
  5. Developing a deep state of presence and conscious observation.
  6. Basics of guitar playing technique through Proprioception and Aware Movement.
  7. Remapping the Self-image.

Personal online coaching session


The first coaching session lasts up to two hours.

• It usually starts with a questionnaire about your student and performer history, description of the symptoms, your expectations and goals in music just before suffering the first symptoms, current professional situation, etc.

• This allows for gathering essential information to build up a recovery training plan as tailored as possible.

Subsequent sessions last 60 minutes.

Online sessions on Zoom videoconferencing platform with high quality audio and video, compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Blackberry and Linux systems.

It is very easy to use and you do not need to open any account.

After booking a session, you will receive an email with an invitation to a scheduled Zoom meeting. In the email you will find a link and an ID number that you must copy and paste to access the corresponding video conference.

So easy!

Recommended requirements


Reliable internet connection

Your instrument


To book an online coaching session as well as an in-person private session

Please fill the form and I will contact you as soon as possible.

This is Walter Silva, classical guitarist
Recovery from Musician’s Focal Dystonia is possible

+34 630 993 873